1. Back then / In those days / At that time, $500 was a normal price. 2. That woman has had ten kids. 3. They have known each other their whole lives, but they have only been a couple since last month. 4. When he becomes a doctor, José will earn/make a very good living. 5. Pérez was minister during Vidal's presidency. 1. Rodrigo was falling asleep when he remembered the message. 2. When I start my studies, my brother will be finishing his. 3. I cannot talk on the phone right now. I am painting the kitchen. 4. My cousin was looking for a job for years. / My cousin had looked for a job for years. 5. I have been thinking about what you said to me. 1. ¡Cómo han crecido los niños! Están muy altos. My, how the children have grown! They've gotten tall. 2. Te voy a calentar la sopa porque está fría. I will heat up the soup for you because it has gotten cold. 3. Cuando la pobre Mercedes salió del hospital, estaba muy delgada. When poor Mercedes left the hospital, she had gotten thin. 4. ¿Qué le pasa? Ese hombre está loco. What's wrong with him? / What is his deal? That man is crazy. 5. Los que vieron el incidente estuvieron pálidos de miedo. Those who saw the incident grew pale with fright.