Práctica - cognados falsos - barajados

to be unaware or ignorant of

educated, schooled, learned

pertaining to the senses

engagement, appointment, obligation

position or location (for example, the positions of pieces on a chess board)

misfortune (things not going your way)


problem, issue, question


to assume, suppose


to urge (i.e. persuade strongly)

to attend (i.e. attend class)

to reduce (lose weight)


to support (financially, emotionally, etc.)

honorable, chaste

to appreciate (for example a person's help)

excitement (i.e. strong positive feelings)

witty, funny, comical

argument (i.e. verbal fight between two people)

to pretend

simple (not complicated)

to rest

event or happening

position (job)

reading (i.e. The reading was interesting.)

quality or trait

to act beforehand (anticipate)

sensitive (for example, to be overly sensitive to criticism)

disgrace, embarrassment


competence (ability to do a job well)

to amuse or to entertain

respect (i.e. high esteem for another)

to reduce or diminish

deception (i.e. being tricked)


to subtract (math)



actual (i.e. expressing authenticity)

particular or demanding

referring to (with respect to)

to realize (for example, to realize that you forgot your keys)

realization (i.e. of particular information)


position (i.e. someone's perspective)


to quit (i.e. to stop doing something)

emotion (feelings, not necessary positive)

to assist or to help someone

to attempt or to try

suggestion or piece of advice

gracious (benevolent)

chance, opportunity, unforeseen event

to anticipate (to expect or to wait for)

to be urgent (for example, Your help is urgent.)

plot summary of a story or novel

simple (not multiple), single; stupid (simpleton)

question (i.e. interrogative phrase)

casualty (i.e. from a crime)

to ignore

suggestion (for example, the power of suggestion)

college or school in a university


annoying, bothersome

exit (i.e. a building exit)

present, current (i.e. with regards to time)


to entertain (to host)

to esteem (for example art)

to remove or take away

competition, contest

to mix or stir

to tolerate (to put up with)

quality (of merchandise or of a product)

to adopt, to take on, to accept (for example a responsibility)

disappointment (for example after losing a game)

sensible (logical, reasonable)

compromise (i.e. both sides give a little to come to an agreement)