to be unaware or ignorant of: ignorar educated, schooled, learned: instruido, culto pertaining to the senses: sensitivo engagement, appointment, obligation: compromiso position or location (for example, the positions of pieces on a chess board): posición misfortune (things not going your way): desgracia library: biblioteca problem, issue, question: cuestión well-mannered: educado to assume, suppose: suponer faculty: profesorado, miembros de la facultad, profesores to urge (i.e. persuade strongly): persuadir, exhortar, rogar, pedir con insistencia to attend (i.e. attend class): asistir to reduce (lose weight): adelgazar, bajar de peso bookstore: librería to support (financially, emotionally, etc.): mantener, sostener, apoyar, respaldar honorable, chaste: honesto to appreciate (for example a person's help): agradecer excitement (i.e. strong positive feelings): emoción, entusiasmo witty, funny, comical: gracioso, cómico, chistoso argument (i.e. verbal fight between two people): disputa, discusión, pelea to pretend: fingir simple (not complicated): sencillo to rest: descansar event or happening: suceso, evento, acontecimiento, actividad position (job): puesto, empleo reading (i.e. The reading was interesting.): lectura quality or trait: cualidad to act beforehand (anticipate): anticipar sensitive (for example, to be overly sensitive to criticism): sensible disgrace, embarrassment: vergüenza long: largo competence (ability to do a job well): competencia, eficacia to amuse or to entertain: entretener respect (i.e. high esteem for another): respeto to reduce or diminish: reducir deception (i.e. being tricked): engaño large: grande to subtract (math): restar achievement: realización, logro fastidious: esmerado, exigente actual (i.e. expressing authenticity): verdadero, real particular or demanding: exigente referring to (with respect to): respecto, respecto a, con respecto a to realize (for example, to realize that you forgot your keys): darse cuenta, darse cuenta de realization (i.e. of particular information): comprensión, entendimiento honest: honrado position (i.e. someone's perspective): punto de vista, perspectiva lecture: conferencia, charla to quit (i.e. to stop doing something): dejar de, dejar, parar, parar de emotion (feelings, not necessary positive): sentimiento to assist or to help someone: ayudar, atender, asistir to attempt or to try: pretender, intentar, tratar suggestion or piece of advice: sugerencia, recomendación, consejo gracious (benevolent): gentil, misericordioso, clemente, benévolo chance, opportunity, unforeseen event: casualidad to anticipate (to expect or to wait for): esperar to be urgent (for example, Your help is urgent.): urgir plot summary of a story or novel: argumento simple (not multiple), single; stupid (simpleton): simple question (i.e. interrogative phrase): pregunta casualty (i.e. from a crime): víctima, desgracia personal to ignore: ignorar, no hacer caso de, no hacer caso suggestion (for example, the power of suggestion): sugestión college or school in a university: facultad private: particular, privado annoying, bothersome: fastidioso exit (i.e. a building exit): salida present, current (i.e. with regards to time): actual success: éxito to entertain (to host): dar una fiesta, tener invitados, recibir a invitados, hospedar to esteem (for example art): apreciar to remove or take away: quitar competition, contest: competencia to mix or stir: remover, revolver, mezclar to tolerate (to put up with): soportar, tolerar, aguantar quality (of merchandise or of a product): calidad to adopt, to take on, to accept (for example a responsibility): asumir disappointment (for example after losing a game): decepción, desilusión sensible (logical, reasonable): sensato, razonable compromise (i.e. both sides give a little to come to an agreement): arreglo, convenio