No hay vida sin muerte ni placer sin pesar - There is no life without death or pleasure without regret. - There is no life without death or pleasure without sorrow. El tiempo es oro. - The time is gold. - Time is money. [or] Time is precious. ¿Qué te pasa, calabaza? - What's up, pumpkin? - What's up buttercup! No me importa un pepino. - I don't care a cucumber. - It doesn't matter to me. I don't give a rip. En el peligro se conoce al amigo - In danger the friend is known. - A friend in need is a friend indeed. (You know who your friends are when you are in danger and need help.) Estar entre la espada y la pared - To be between the sword and the wall - To be between a rock and a hard place El mundo es un pañuelo. - The world is a handkerchief. - It's a small world. El hábito no hace al monje. - The habit doesn't make the monk. - Clothes do not make the man. El saber no ocupa lugar. - Knowledge doesn't occupy a place. - Knowledge is no burden. Más vale prevenir que curar. - It's worth more to prevent than to cure. - A stitch in time saves nine. Cada loco con su tema - Every crazy person with their issue - Everybody has their own way of doing things. Dormir a pierna suelta - To sleep with a loose leg - To sleep like a log Tener memoria de pez - To have the memory of a fish - To have a bad memory Ponerse las pilas - To put on the batteries - Wake up, pay attention, start thinking Echar una mano - To throw a hand - To give a helping hand En un abrir y cerrar de ojos: - In the opening and closing of one's eyes - In the blink of an eye A rey muerto, rey puesto - A king dies; a king takes his place. - Out with the old, in with the new Más vale maña que fuerza. - Better skill than strength - Brains over brawn/intelligence is better than physical strength. Favor con favor se paga - Favor with favor, it pays - You scratch my back and I will scratch yours. / You do me a favor and I will do you a favor. / Quid pro quo No saber ni papa de algo - Not knowing a potato about it - I don't have a clue about it. Tirar/Botar la casa por la ventana - To throw the house out of the window - Sparing no expense Zapatero, a tus zapatos - Shoemaker, to your shoes - Cobbler, stick to your last. / Mind your business. A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina. - Where the heart inclines, the foot walks. - Where our heart leads, we follow. El amor todo lo puede. - Love can do it all. - Love will find a way. / With love everything is possible.